Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Scouts and Things

So we finally got the boys back into scouts here. We went to our first meeting here in New York on Saturday. It was the Blue and Gold Banquet. The boys really enjoyed it I think. Because it was Cub Scoutings Birthday they had a Birthday party with all the trimmings of Ice cream of course and brownies, cookies, and cakes. They earned a blue and Glod Banquet Badge for going and also got a certificate for free ice cream at a Stewart's for later. This was pretty exciting for them. Things were different at the event then what we are used to due to it was not an LDS troop but I think that it will still be good for the boys. On Saturday the boys also went to their friend Simon Johnson's house. They loved it and I think that that friendship whill continue to grow nicely.

Sunday I got a new calling. I am now the Seceratary in the primary in our ward. This will be a challenging yet rewarding calling for me. I will have to be organized and since this ward has not had a seceratary in a long time it will also be a lot of work, but it will also give me an opportunity to serve and to be doing something during the times when my children are at school and Clint is working. I am excited about my experiences that I will be having as well as the opportunities to be with the boys and the other children in our ward.

Mid-Winter Break is coming up for our family. The boys are off next week and Clint has asked for leave. Therefore we will be going to a few places. We will be going to Palmayra and also to Niagara Falls. I am excited having not seen either of these places. The family is just excited to have some time together to just get out and enjoy the world. Should be some neat unforgettable experiences.


  1. Way to go Steven,Tim on your award. I think it great you are going to Pallmayra and Niagara Falls. I have always wanted to go there. Take lots of picture and post them -k-. Enjoy your time there very little of it in the Army. Have a great day.

  2. That is awesomet that the boys are still in scouts. It's a good program. Have fun on your vacation...take lots of pictures!
