Friday, November 12, 2010

Veteran's Day

Another Veteran's Day has passed and I think about all the many blessings I have because of the Veterans in this great country. I think that we tend to forget that our everyday life aand freedom is because very brave men and women have come before us and fought for us and others to be safe, have fought for us to be able to live, have fought for us to be able to blog about just whatever our little mind wants to. I for one owe such a debt, one I will never be able to pay.
As we wandered around town yesterday, because Clint was home and the kids did not have school, I heard a variety of comments and snippets of different things. At the mall as I was checking out at Bath and body Works I hear,"It is just another day, after all I am at work." My thought not stated is ..."You have the freedom to work. You have the right to make a living for your family." Then as we are getting lunch from Taco bell I hear," You would think something special was happening today?" now I believe this was meant in a joking way... Still my response again not stated but thought is,"No something extraordinary has already happened so that nothing special would happen today." Later on we headed out for dinner. They had all sorts of discounts and free items for veterans. We decided to go to Texas Road House for dinner. We were met with a smile. There were stickers on the door welcoming active duty military and veterans and saluting them. That was nice. Clint got a free appitizer for his service. I really think it would have been nice if his meal had been free after all I think that these guys earned that one meal a year. But dinner was still wonderful even if we did pay full price.
I still can't help but think how lucky we all are to have been born in America. I am so grateful that I get to speak when I want to. I enjoy going to school and being able to go to which ever church I so desire. These freedoms were given to me at no cost to me but at great cost to these Veterans. Being a military wife means I get to see a glimpse of what is sacrificed so we all may be. I have friends who have lost their husbands. I have friends have lost their fathers. Currently I have friends that are without their husbands, or wives, yet we all continue to live and try to smile for the children and for those around us. How amazing are the men and women that make these sacrifices for us. How amazing are the kids who are left behind or the women who have babies by themselves. How amazing to me that my own husband would sacrifice so much for me. I am so grateful to have celebrated this past Veteran's Day with my husband, a veteran and a member of the US Army. I am so grateful that he has come home safely each time he has had to go. I am one of the lucky ones. Thankyou to all our Veterans. I hope this Veteran's Day was wonderful and that we , the free Americans remember why these men and women serve, and quit complaining about the stupid things. Thankyou to those who currently serve. To those whose wives and husbands are here and also to those whose wives or husbands are currently in harms way. You are true American Heroes.

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